Twitter declared 2014 the 'Year of the Selfie'

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Thursday, January 1, 2015
Twitter calls 2014 the "Year of the Selfie." (Photo: ABC News)

NEW YORK -- If you can't resist the urge for a snap with your cellphone, you're in good company.

Twitter declared 2014 the "Year of the Selfie."

VIDEO: The Year of the Selfie

This year, popes and presidents got in on the fun.

Pope takes a selfie as did President Obama with Vice President Biden.

So did Ellen on Oscar night a this star-studded pic.

Ellen DeGeneres on Oscar night in a this star-studded pic.

On Twitter this year, the word 'selfie' was mentioned 92 million times!

This year, selfie technology improved dramatically.

In fact, selfie sticks are flying off the shelves with more than 100,000 sold this month alone.

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