Taking A Stand: Republicans, Democrats answer questions about their political beliefs

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Saturday, October 31, 2015
Republicans and Democrats were asked to physically take a stand to respond to yes or no questions -- including their opinion of Donald Trump.
WatchCut Video/YouTube

Writing down your answer to "yes or no" political questions is one thing, but physically taking a stand on your answer -- while wearing your party's color -- is something else entirely.

Sixty representatives from each party were put in a room together and asked questions about both their opinions and their backgrounds. To respond, they had to walk to either the "yes" circle or the "no" circle. After the question was read, the participants buzzed around in jittery excitement, some changing their response after they saw where others went or even waiting to see what the rest of the group did before ever choosing.

While the majority of both groups agreed that climate change is not a hoax and that children born in the United States to undocumented immigrants should not be deported, the clearest split along party lines came when the group was asked about a potential Donald Trump presidency. One-hundred percent of the Democrats said he would not make a good commander-in-chief, while the 23 percent of Republicans who said he would make a good president seemed passionate in their belief, saying "absolutely" and exchanging high-fives as they joined the circle.

Here's how they responded to each of the questions:

Is climate change a hoax?

97 percent of Democrats said no.

78 percent of Republicans said no.

Do you have a college degree?

58 percent of of Democrats said yes.

55 percent of Republicans said yes.

Should children born in the United States to undocumented immigrants be deported?

98 percent of Democrats said no.

72 percent of Republicans said no.

Would Bernie Sanders make a good president?

88 percent of Democrats said yes.

83 percent of Republicans said no.

Would Donald Trump make a good president?

100 percent of Democrats said no.

77 percent of Republicans said no.

The video was put together by Cut Video, which produces the "100 Years of Beauty" series.

See more from Cut on its website, YouTube page and Facebook page.

Photos used with permission.