Above and Beyond: Man from NJ donates clothes, equipment to Africa

Michelle Charlesworth Image
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Above and beyond: Man from NJ donates clothes, equipment to Africa
Michelle Charlesworth has the latest details.

WEST ORANGE, New Jersey (WABC) -- Imagine your kid's old track suit being used for a good cause! 'Adopt One Village' gives people in Ghana used clothes, bikes, shoes and sports equipment.

"So when I got here and saw all the things people get rid of and throw away, and I said 'what can I do?' So I started going to garage sales to get things, and shipping them home," said Emmanuel Anim-Sackey.

Then a church got involved, and it got even bigger. 'Baba' (that's his nickname) is not a powerful CEO or someone with extra time - he's a mailman, and has to deliver mail six days a week.

Over the years, word spread, and people along Baba's mail route started to give. The most amazing thing? 100 percent of what is donated goes straight to those in need in Ghana - even a full warehouse in West Orange was donated.

All of the items will be shipped in a container. It costs $9,000 and it takes six weeks to get everything to Ghana. 'Adopt One Village' makes up to two trips per year, and they have also, with the Life Christian Church, provided wells and fresh water, a medical center and schooling.

Annie Currasco is an attorney on his board. They all work for free, and pay for their own trips to Ghana to help. Currasco has been five times.

"Every time we have a board meeting, we are put to shame - and for these people," Currasco says.

"We've given them their only source of clean water, bicycles, shoes," added Pastor Terry Smith of the Life Christian Church.

All of this started with 'Baba' delivering mail and then going to garage sales.

"It will grow," he says.

Baba has been running his Adopt One Village foundation for ten years - a great example of how one person can go 'Above and Beyond' to make a difference.

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