2015 Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach

Monday, December 7, 2015

BETHPAGE (WABC) -- Celebrate Memorial Day Weekend by watching an aerial display you won't forget!

On May 23-24, the Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach will go daily from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. The main attraction is the return of the U.S. Airforce Thunderbirds; they have been absent from the show since 2011. In addition, appearances will be made by the U.S. Army Golden Knights, the USMC MV-22 Osprey, the GEICO Skytypers and the Misty Blues All Women Skydiving Team.

"It's good to honor the veterans. Most of us are veterans on the team, most of us are ex-military," said Jim Record, of the Geico Skytypers. "This is a very special show for us. We just love doing Jones Beach."

The show has a way of making everyone feel patriotic.

"I think we should appreciate our country and the men who have fought to sustain our country," said Ken Metzler, a Farmingville resident. "I was in the Air Force myself and I'm proud to be an American."

Denise Delio, of North Babylon, said the event is a "thank you" to those who serve. "It shouldn't be taken for granted," she said.

There are those who come every year just because they love the air show.

"Everybody is very friendly, the weather is gorgeous, (and) they get you right in the mood of celebrating the holiday weekend," said Jodi Letterese, a Flushing resident.


And there isn't really a bad seat. The only thing you have to worry about was getting a stiff neck watching the spectacular. "It's amazing, unbelievable. I can't believe my other sons aren't here," said Aileen Connors, of Rockville Centre.

The show's center will take place directly in front of the Jones Beach Water Tower. Admission is free, but there is a parking fee of $10 per vehicle. VIP tickets, which will allow visitors to view the air show from a private beachfront area, can also be purchased.

No pets are allowed. Patrons are encouraged to arrive early and wear beach attire, but bring warm clothes in case there's a change in the temperature. It's recommended you bring sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, beach towels and chairs.

For more details, visit the website bethpageairshow.com.

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