Hurricane preparation: Foods to stock up on before a storm hits
Monday, July 8, 2019
Stock up on these foods that will last a long time but will also provide essential vitamins and nutrients.
Making sure you have enough food before a hurricane hits your area is one of the most important things to do. AccuWeather recommends stocking up on the following items:
Non-perishable foods like ready-to-eat canned meat, fruits, and vegetables and canned juices can provide essential nutrients.
Vitamins will help replace nutrients you would have eaten on a normal diet.
Be sure to have samples like sugar, salt, pepper and spices. A basic supply of seasoning and sweeteners will improve the flavor of both fresh and packaged food.
High-energy foods like nuts and trail mix are healthy and convenient for snacking. Get energy bars and granola bars, which are an excellent source of carbohydrates.
It's very important to have enough food for infants.
Comfort foods are good to have around when you're stuck indoors for a long period of time.