Grandmother gets canceled COVID cruise refund after 4 years | 7 On Your Side

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Thursday, August 29, 2024
Grandmother gets canceled COVID cruise refund 4 years later
Nina Pineda has more on the four-year journey for one grandmother to get her money back from a canceled cruise.

PEEKSKILL, New York (WABC) -- In early 2020, when the pandemic began shutting the world down, a Peekskill grandmother canceled a graduation cruise she had planned for her grandkids.

She had insurance and was entitled to all her money back, but her refund was lost at sea.

"They are my world," said Joan Ellison, the would-be traveler. "I love my kids but my grandkids and my great-grands are my world."

Ellison lives for her family, helping raise most from cradle to college. She planned to celebrate with them on a Caribbean cruise.

"I booked a seven-day cruise for six people," she said.

Ellison saved for years, splurging on a trip booked online through BJ's Travel, part of BJ's Wholesale Club.

"When she told me, I was like, let's go," said Tywell Lynen, one of her grandsons.

As misfortune would have it, the year was 2020, and that spring, COVID-19 spread throughout the world, forcing Ellison to cancel the cruise. "I just felt really bad," she said.

She had insurance, but four years later, still no refund.

"I waited, I waited," she said.

Ellison says she was asked to fill out the same paperwork three times. "This is ridiculous," she said.

Then, her daughter sent 7 On Your Side an SOS.

"They just kept giving her the runaround," said Natalie Bryant. "Let's try 7 On Your Side."

7 On Your Side contacted all the parties involved, BJ's, the cruise line, and the insurance company.

And guess what? A check finally arrived via FedEx. No longer high and dry, they got all their money back to book another cruise.

"And all thanks to 7 On Your Side," she said. "Thank you so much."

The company told 7 On Your Side in a statement: "At BJ's Wholesale Club we are committed to serving our members and we are pleased this matter has been resolved."

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