Superstorm Sandy 10 years later

Special coverage from Eyewitness News marking 10 years since Superstorm Sandy

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Sunday, October 30, 2022
Eyewitness News special: Sandy 10 years later
Eyewitness News is taking a look at some of the lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy after the storm served as a wake-up call across the area.

NEW YORK (WABC) -- Eyewitness News is taking a look at some of the lessons learned from Superstorm Sandy after the storm served as a wake-up call, showing us how vulnerable we really are.

It's been 10 years since the flooding, the fires and the loss -- but it has also been a decade of rebuilding and making sure we are ready for the next superstorm.

We are looking back at some of the most memorable moments from a decade ago, but we are also looking forward.

How prepared are we for the next superstorm

Meteorologist Lee Goldberg guided us through the storm 10 years ago, and now he's looking at how prepared we are for the next superstorm.

He reports from Staten Island:

Meteorologist Lee Goldberg guided us through the storm 10 years ago, and now he's looking at how prepared we are for the next super storm.

Rebuilding the Long Island coastline

Communities on Long Island's coastline were hit hard by Sandy.

In Suffolk County, the storm surge breached Fire Island where FEMA regulations now require new homes must be at least 18 feet higher along the water.

Meanwhile, in Nassau County, Long Beach suffered extreme damage. N.J. Burkett was there 10 years ago and returned to see how people have rebuilt.

In Nassau County, Long Beach suffered extreme damage. N.J. Burkett was there 10 years ago and returned to see how people have rebuilt.

New Jersey rebuilds amid growing debate

In New Jersey, there has been a growing debate along the shore: to build or not to build sand dunes.

The fight got so heated in some communities that eminent domain is being used to obtain private property.

Anthony Johnson, who rode out the storm in Long Branch 10 years ago, is taking a further look.

Anthony Johnson, who rode out the storm in Long Branch 10 years ago, is taking a further look.

Chris Christie reflects on Sandy

"People got along during Superstorm Sandy." We heard that a lot this week. Lots of examples of that, including a high-profile one. The Republican governor of New Jersey at the time, Chris Christie, asked for help from the highest level of the federal government, President Obama, a Democrat. An interview with Christie, now an ABC political consultant, talked about Sandy and politics.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie reflects on Superstorm Sandy

Reflecting from Breezy Point after devastating fires

Some of the worst damage from Superstorm Sandy happened in the beach communities of Queens, including Rockaway and Breezy Point.

Massive amounts of water flooded inland and came into contact with electrical power systems.

It resulted in hundreds of fires that lit up the night. Many homes were damaged or destroyed -- more than 120 were leveled in Breezy Point alone.

Anchors Bill Ritter and Sade Baderinwa returned to Breezy Point to talk to the people who saved lives, and the people whose lives were turned upside down:

Anchors Bill Ritter and Sade Baderinwa returned to Breezy Point to talk to the people who saved lives, and the people whose lives were turned upside down.

NYU Langone children revisited

Some of the most frightening images on the night Sandy hit were outside NYU Langone.

The hospital lost power and was evacuated, and among the patients were newborn babies that had to be delicately taken out.

Kemberly Richardson was there 10 years ago and spoke to some of the families involved -- including one of the children.

NYU Langone lost power when Superstorm Sandy struck, taking out power and forcing an evacuation of newborn babies. Kemberly Richardson has the story.

RELATED: More Superstorm Sandy coverage over the years

WATCH: Eyewitness News Town Hall | Superstorm Sandy: 10 years later

As the 10-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy nears, Eyewitness News is hosting a town hall to remember and reflect a decade later.


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