Woman jumps from moving SUV to escape abductor


The victim, gets mistakenly get into a car, she then fears for her life, and before the night is over, barely escapes.

The woman was desperate on I-95 but had no other choice as the 21-year-old jumped from a moving car.

"To save her own life, she jumped out of the vehicle," said Joseph Becerra, a New York State Police investigator.

It was an unthinkable way, state police investigators describe, for the woman to escape a would-be kidnapper.

It began in an Inwood neighborhood, miles away and an hour earlier the young woman, police say, was supposed to meet the friend of a friend. They would meet up with the friend later. A car pulls up to the curb and she gets in, thinking it's her ride.

The white BMW SUV then speeds off, driven, investigators say, by a dark skinned black male in his 30's, 5'4'' to 5'8'' tall. He has a goatee, is well groomed and well dressed, but as it turns out, a complete stranger.

"Her friend called her and then she realized she was in the car with the wrong person," adds Becerra.

As they continue driving the suspect grabs her cell phone and will not let her exit the car.

For about a hour he continues driving, heading up I-95 into Westchester county.

Now fearing for her life and at exit 16, she makes her move.

"When she exited the vehicle, while it was moving, it was in the center lane. She rolled out onto the highway. She was actually run over by a tractor trailer that did not hit her. That just roll right over her and she continued rolling onto the shoulder of the highway," adds Becerra.

A good Samaritan stops to help as the suspect drives away. A move some find shocking.

The victim was seriously injured and anyone with information is asked to call police.


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