ACS under scrutiny; Obama honors fallen troops

October 29, 2009 Should the Administration for Children's Services (ACS) have known that the daughter of a foster parent was living with her mother, especially because the daughter had a history of drug abuse?

It's no small question, because that daughter was in a horrible car accident in Queens on Monday that killed two kids – including her mother's foster daughter. Cops found drug paraphernalia in her car.

It's a tragic story that has also become a disturbing one.

We'll have new developments, tonight at 11.

Also at 11, we're following the Yankees second World Series game against the Phillies. The visitors scored more than just a one-game victory last night against the Yankees; winning the first game at Yankee Stadium gave the Phils a huge boost. Scott Clark leads our coverage, and it includes a touching sidebar of a Make-A-Wish kid whose dream is to see a World Series game. Tonight he gets his wish. Jenn Maxfield has that story.

We'll also have the latest from Afghanistan, where the hour glass is running out for President Obama and his decision whether to send an additional 40,000 U.S. troops to that country. The President was at Dover Air Base early this morning, as bodies of U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan were brought home. He said seeing those young Americans killed absolutely affects his view of the war. More Americans are killed these days in Afghanistan and in Iraq.

So what will he do? Ask a dozen people and you'll get 20 different answers. There are many who believe the U.S. should instead send more troops into Pakistan, to help that country fight Al Qaeda.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Pakistan – and she spoke bluntly about that country's turning-a-blind-eye to terrorists. "I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government," Clinton told Pakistani newspaper editors, "knows where they (terrorists) are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to."


Also at 11, a sign of the times: Restaurants, trying to drum up business, now making their eateries kid friendly.

Anyone with children knows that going out to eat with young kids can be a daunting challenge – and if a restaurant isn't child friendly, it's like painting a red "X" above the door. Parents simply pass over the place.

But now, so desperate for customers, many restaurants are adding kids menus and making their facilities accessible to little ones. Sandra Bookman has our story.

We'll also have any breaking news of the night, plus Lee Goldberg's AccuWeather forecast. I hope you can join Liz Cho and me, tonight at 11.


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