Child porn ring busted in New Jersey


"As young as infants, it's quite disturbing, quite graphic," an undercover officer said.

It was very difficult for the undercover, internet crime investigators to view.

They logged on and secretly track down, and arrested 14 Passaic County residents, charging them with possession and trafficking in child pornography.

"Images that depict children having sex with other children, and or children and adults," said Capt. Robert Weston, Passaic Co. Sheriff's Office.

"As a father of four, nothing saddens me more than to have our children taken advantage of," Sheriff Richard Berdnik said.

10,000 images seized in all, they say, from this group: five unemployed men, a shop worker, a meat packer, store manager, cashier, and even more tragic, five suspects who are just kids themselves: 4 to16-year-olds and a 17-year-old, and it did not surprise cops.

"I have to say unfortunately no, we have arrested numerous suspects of juvenile status, and I have to say, it may happen in the future as well," an undercover officer said.

Sad, one mom, and several others say that parents are dropping the ball.

"Its parents' responsibility to make sure parental controls are on, on the internet settings," said Mary Osborne, an Upper Greenwood Lake resident.

"Parents don't monitor their kids online. They just let them be," said Steven Chaparro, a college student.

The five will face charges as minors.

"It is quite disturbing. We hope we caught these juveniles in time so they can get the appropriate help they need," an undercover officer said.

Hopefully before they become of age, one father said, and face stiffer punishment as adults.

"It ruins your life; kids don't know that," Mike Diaz, a Wayne resident said.

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