Up Close: What's next for outgoing NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson?

ByEyewitness News WABC logo
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Up Close: What's next for outgoing NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson?
In this episode of Up Close, Bill Ritter has a candid conversation with outgoing New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson.

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- In this episode of Up Close, New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson is only 39, but for nearly two decades he has been a force in New York City.

First, as a gay rights and community advocate and then as a never-shy elected official.

Now, he's about to leave electoral politics, at least temporarily.

He has not been shy about going public about his personal life, including addiction and depression problems.

So, why is he leaving now and what will the man who doesn't seem to know the meaning of do nothing do now?

Bill Ritter has a candid conversation with Johnson about his experience in city government and where he goes from here.

And Christmas is over and the new year is fast approaching, but the pandemic is also still here and the numbers are rising again.

So, what precautions do you need to take now to make sure the job you're returning to is safe for you and everyone around you when you return to your post holiday lives.

E.R. doctor and ABC News contributor Dr. Darien Sutton offers advice.

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RELATED: Watch more episodes of Up Close

Up Close with Bill Ritter airs Sunday mornings at 11:00 on Channel 7.

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